Lately, I’ve been watching all the ads from the New York City Government entity talking about getting ready for nuclear war.
Never in my wildest dreams did it ever occur to me in my lifetime that we would be in a situation like this where we are so very dangerously close to having nukes dropped in our very own backyards.
But nonetheless here we are. All because of Pedo Joe, who is so corrupted that he is willing to plunge our nation into a nuclear winter all to help his palsie walsie Zelinsky, who BTW as I addressed earlier, is like Pedo Joe, the absolute piss poorest of sports when it comes to people dissenting from him and his policies.
You and I know there is absolutely NO national security interest whatsoever in this conflict. What you have here are two nations fighting for control of regions. The only reason Pedo Joe is doing this is because he has interests in the region. His moral degenerate son Hunter, who doesn’t know anything about how to run an energy firm was on the board of one in that country. At one point he was being investigated for corruption. This was when Pedo Joe was Vice President with Obama.
And YES, IT DID HAPPEN!!!!!! Wikipedia is run by STUPID DUMBASSES!!!!!!!!!
So, here we are. We have a, angry, bitter old man, Biden, trying to goad another angry, bitter old man, Putin, into Nuclear War over something that you and I know GODDAMN well has NO National Security implications whatsoever for this country.
Folks, stolen elections DO have consequences, I’m afraid we’re about to find that out the hard way. We have a very weakened military as a result of the idiotic social experimentations that Biden has chosen to put it through. As a result, recruitment is way down right now. Nobody wants to join the military with such a buffoon as Biden in charge right now. Russia has way more people in it’s military than we do here. Are we going to end up reinstating the draft and make people join who really don’t want to just because an old, senile, angry, bitter old man is so corrupt that he is willing to risk people’s lives for his fellow corrupt palsie-walsie Zelinsky??????
This is what happens when you allow STUPID DUMBASSES like Biden to run the country. This is a recipe for disaster.
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